
August Is...

...tomatoes eaten out of hand over the sink with a salt shaker. rhubarb upside down cake. two am rendezvous with the last slice of watermelon. corn on the cob. rain storms. poolside naps. baskin robins peanut butter and chocolate ice cream. two chapters in the hammock. michigan peaches. the county fair. fleeting. 


  1. Hooray for Michigan peaches! They're the best!

  2. I know, aren't they? I had a thing for Memphis peaches, and Missouri peaches, but after this last trip home I'm convinced that Michigan peaches can't be beat! Mmm, if only I could have taken a crate of them on my plane ride home to NYC.

  3. Now hold on there!!! Peaches war! ;) I bet on a good year if we've had a lot of rain, the Millington peaches win. Of course it all depends on the variety. The peaches in Georgia really do beat them all though. When I lived there, I ate them all summer long. Best ever.

  4. oh, i loved this little reminder - all the best things of summer!

  5. Uh oh, now I'm in trouble. I think the peach that wins might be the one eaten right off the tree in peak ripeness on a very good, hot summer. Which means we might never get to have a fair peach taste-off, but the good news is that means yummy peaches for all if we stick to our local orchards. Though, sadly, I've yet to have a really exceptional peach in New York. I won't give up though. Maybe a great NY state peach farmer will pop into the conversation, point me in the right direction and prove me wrong. I'd be very happy about that.

  6. I love this word picture. Well said!
