
A Giveaway from Ice Milk Aprons

Okay, I'm officially declaring this southern love month. And one of my absolute favorite things to come out of the south since the buttermilk biscuit is heirloom designer Ashley Leckey Schoenith's Ice Milk Aprons. They are elegant, lady like and just plain pretty. And who doesn't want to feel pretty when they are cooking?  In celebration of the launch of The Newlywed Cookbook and as a treat to all the brides-to-be this summer and spring, Ashley's graciously offered her beautiful Vanilla Churned Sugar apron for one lucky reader {bride, bride-to-be, or not!}. 

And in the spirit of southern hospitality, Ashley is also hosting a giveaway of The Newlywed Cookbook on her site today too. Once you're there, I know you'll want to stay. Not only does Ashley has impeccable taste, she has the most charming spirit. The way she treasures family traditions, heirlooms and the sweet moments in life come right through the screen, and you'll soon wish yourself a part of your world. 

If that wasn't sweet enough, she's featuring my Grandma Copeland's Brown Sugar Pudding on her Heirloomed blog later this week, too. This is one seriously special recipe to my family, a true heirloom. Granddad brought it home from a boarding house in Missouri where he stayed not long after he and my grandmother were secretly married. He gave the recipe to his young bride, who I'm told would make it for him just as often as he wanted for the rest of their lives. Grandma and Granddad were married almost 70 years {I know, amazing!}, and were the definition of forever newlyweds. They were always lavishing each other with love and tenderness, which in Grandma's case often came in the form of good southern cooking. 

About marriage and love, Grandma always said to us, "learn to make his favorite things." 

To lavish the ones you love with good cooking, you need a special apron, one with a story, one that makes you feel especially lovely while you're learning to make your beloved's favorite things. Brides, beauties, passionate cooks and anyone who treasures a handmade heirloom, here's how to enter to win: 

Post a comment with a story about either your favorite food from the south, the best thing you learned to make or bake from your mother or grandmother, or what and how you learned to cook your beloved's favorite thing. Then, if you tweet, follow Edible Living and Ice Milk Aprons on twitter and RT I just entered to win @icemilkaprons Vanilla Churned Sugar apron on @edibleliving http://bit.ly/icemilkgive. Then come back to tell us about it! Follow either of us on Pinterest {Ashley's pages are to die for} and come back to enter again! Three chances, now that is generous, southern hospitality for y'all. * {only U.S. residents eligible to win} *
This is one prize you'll want to keep in your family for generations to come.  



  1. I follow Edible Living and Ice Milk Aprons on twitter.

  2. I did all 3! I love Ashley's aprons. I already have one. I already love your new cookbook & hope that I win it. I love cookbooks & I know that if Ashley loves it then I will too. I shared your new book on my Ginger Magnolia Catering FB page & my Marmie Bag fb page :) My favorite southern meal & memory is making Chicken & Dumplings with my grandmother. I loved cooking with her. I couldn't wait in the summertime when I would stay for weeks with her. As soon as I got there we would make a grocery list with all the yummy things that we were going to cook together each day!

  3. I follow Edible Living and Ice Milk Aprongs on Twitter and I just RT the giveaway! @jarslikejam

  4. My favorite southern food is caramel cake. I have YET to learn how to make this succesfully. I am not giving up though!

  5. I follow both you and Ashley on Pinterest! Yay! Even more inspiration...lovely work ladies.

  6. I'll bite! One of my favorite recipes is my Grandmother's Memphis Chocolate Pound Cake, a recipe from the Women's Exchange in Memphis, TN. The Women's Exchange was an auxiliary league that had a sewing room, a tea room and served lunch. I just googled it and it still exists! The cake is heavenly – just enough cocoa – and luscious on its own or with a little whipped cream and berries. Later, after my Grandmother was diagnosed with celiac disease (gluten intolerance) she would “forget” and make the pound cake when we came to visit! My Grandmother was a classy lady and I love the image of her doing southern things like “lunching” with her friends.

  7. I can honestly say I do not have a favorite Southern food because it is all amazingly delicious. But my mother and grandmother did pass on the love of baking, and I consider that a Southern tradition in our family. I have been wanting an IceMilk apron for the longest time, but have yet to make the investment. And I am currently planning to go out and get your new book asap!

  8. This the first time I ever read from your blog. It's so full of life and vigour that I loved it so much!
    A nostalgic recipe that I later modified is a simple Dates- plantain pancake. I stood by my Grandma's stove and waited till bated breath till she put my share on a plate!
    I add grated and sautee'd carrots to the chopped date, grated coconut, kerala (Indian) plantain filling!
    It's yum!

  9. Thank you all for your amazing comments and for coming to the site to read and visit. Y'all made me hungry talking about Memphis Chocolate Pound Cake, Chicken and Dumplings, Caramel Cake and Plaintain pancakes. Yes please! I don't suppose you'd want to share those precious family recipes? I've still never mastered chicken and dumplings but I plan to!

    And now, drumroll please, the winner is......

  10. Thank you all so much for playing along! The winner is Jars Like Jam! Send me your email at inquiries@edibleliving.com.

    I hope an Ice Milk Apron and The Newlywed Cookbook find its way into each and every one of your homes. Many thanks for coming!

